Press release : TEMO is wrapping up its €295,000 pre-sales campaign

9 September, 2020 by
Press release : TEMO is wrapping up its €295,000 pre-sales campaign

TEMO is wrapping up its €295,000 pre-sales campaign and is delivering

its first electric motors for boats.

Nantes, 7th September 2020 

Presented for the first time in October 2019 during the Mille Sabords and elected best product of the year last December, the TEMO electroportable engine continues to gain fans. The Nantes-based start-up is wrapping up a record-breaking pre-sales campaign on the eve of the first deliveries. 

Following 10 months of intensive work on the manufacturing process of the electro-portable propeller, the first TEMOs have now left the factory at Carquefou in the Loire-Atlantique region in western France. A remarkable industrial performance when you consider the complications to the logistics chain brought about by COVID-19 and two months of lockdown. 

But they did it: the Nantes-based start-up, which, in parallel with the production process of its motor, has just completed a record pre-sales campaign with nearly 300 units on order even before the first one has been delivered - a turnover of 295,000 euros. This is a quite remarkable launch in the world of yachting in which TEMO is positioned as a serious outsider in the very competitive market of boat propulsion. The start-up has captured 11% of the market for low-power outboard engines in only a few months of its existence. * 

The first outboard motor made in France is doing very well, thanks to a refined design, a power-weight ratio that is still unequalled, and an autonomy of one hour, wholly compatible with its intended use on boat tenders and light boats. 

The first deliveries are in progress 

Delivery to the first fifty customers is in progress and should be completed through September. This is excellent news for boaters and fishermen, who have been eagerly awaiting their unit:

“The team has taken care to keep us informed throughout the developments. Even though we were in a hurry to receive our TEMOs, we appreciated the seriousness of the company, which took the time necessary to carry out the quality tests and deliver us the first reliable and high-performance products” -  says Vincent, one of the first customers. 

For the next 230 units already ordered, as well as all the new orders which are accelerating, delivery will take place in December 2020. These four months will be required to increase production capacity. 

A distribution network around the entire French coast 

The end of the year will also mark a new commercial stage for TEMO, as the motor will be available in around thirty specialist shops from December 2020. 

“We were contacted by the major distribution networks, and the tests carried out together were all conclusive,” - explains  Justine PERUSSEL, TEMO's Sales Director. “Even though our website makes it easy to place orders, offering our customers the opportunity to see the product and get TEMO close to home was essential. This physical presence throughout the country is all the more important as it will help to mitigate the fact that almost all of this year’s boat shows have been cancelled. We are pleased to be able to rely on the expertise of dealers to present the TEMO and they will be able to communicate this new product to attract new customers to their shops”.

With a fair and undiscounted retail price of € 1,450 including VAT, French manufacture, and an additional set of accessories, the TEMO electro-portable propeller is naturally finding its place in the market of small-powered engines and should quickly become established on all bodies of water bodies, both in France and abroad. 

* Source FIN (French Nautical Industries Federation) : 2754 engines with a power of less than 3 Kw were sold in France in 2019. 

Do you want to know more about TEMO ? Please, contact us!

About TEMO : TEMO is a company that designs and markets an electro-portable propeller for small watercraft. Founded in 2018, the company is based in Nantes on France’s Atlantic coast, and benefits from the support of local and quality partners such as Atlanpole, the business network, IMT Atlantique, NINA, the Pays de la Loire Region and the City of Nantes, and the SNSM (lifeboat station) at Pornic Pays de Retz.


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Press release : TEMO is wrapping up its €295,000 pre-sales campaign
Justine PERUSSEL 9 September, 2020